Teachers always say we students never like going to the library and they’ll try all sorts of attempts to make us go. Well, listen up. Not everyone hates the library. I for one, do not. That’s fact no. 1. But of course it depends on what you look for in the library. Whatever the teachers said has an indirect truth, at least in my case. I go to the library but I don’t look for books related to the subject I major in, i.e. the things the teachers teach. That’s fact no. 2. Still, to say we don’t like going is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Anyway, what I was going to say is, today, when I was in the library, in one of my favorite sections – that’d be CC, P, T, TR, yet to check out TT, the not so often QB and QC, though lately I frequent T – I saw a string hanging down from the ceiling. I don’t think I saw it before or maybe I was just too oblivious to notice it until today. I looked up and there its end was, attached to the ceiling by some cone shaped object, like some old fashioned bulb holder only there’s no space for one. Thank god it wasn’t this (watch the second video). My hands were itching to pull it but I hesitated. What’s gonna happen if I do? Will an alarm go off? Hah. No. Will the lights to the whole row of shelves turn off? That’s going to attract attention. I don’t want that. What’s gonna happen?
I looked back at the books and around me to see if anyone was looking at my awkward staring into the ceiling pose. I wanted to look at it, to scrutinize it, to know what its function was. But what if it’s a hidden camera to trap unsuspecting, dupable people like me? Well, of course I was full of suspicions, but who’s gonna know? I looked up again at it, pretending to be looking at the books high up on the shelves. What the hell is it for!?
In the end, I didn’t pull it. And I still don’t know what it is for. All the while I was too conscious of who or what might be looking at me. Idiot.
aaiieee. i love the library too! i dig the smell of books! even if the old ones had me wheezing after i inhale the pages pwahaha
the string -- i would've pulled it. =P self-indulgent me lol.
i'd say pull the string. no one's gonna hate you for being curious. if they do, you can tell them they should've put a no pulling sign. now ease your curiosity ..pull it and tell us what happens.
OMG! I always notice the strings and feel so tempted to pull it too!!
But I know the light's gonna go off or something that will attract me attention, so I never do. Hahaha.
Maybe you try it and tell me :P
Niki - Some smells are ok, some are not actually coz yeah, it'll leave me wheezing.
Paolo - I'm not sure...should I? Hmm...
CY - So you noticed! Why didn't you pull it? Don't take my excuse!
Pull it! You can't leave your readers in suspense like this!
Or make CY pull it. You had been in enough trouble already :-P
..you should :P
JC - Yes you're right, I've been through enough trouble already. CY should pull it. Yeah!
Paolo - CY has offered to do it. I'm saying this on his behalf. He'll update us :)
On behalf on me eh? Maybe when I graduate... ;)
Oh come on...be the man! Hahahah!
ok pull it or ill buy a plane ticket and go there and PULL.
You guys are making me feel like pulling it! Hmm...You know what? I just might. We'll see :)
Get a camera or ask someone to get ready to snap a photo the time you pull. =p
Be the man? I thought the man pushes...
Cometh - Yea...and show the world my embarassment...if there's one.
CY - No, the man pulls.
Then who pushes? :/
Well, the man.
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