Thursday, August 16, 2007

I got a halo

Cometh introduced his readers to this thing called The Gematriculator in the site The Sect of Homokaasu. It’s suppose to analyze your website and see how good or evil it is. I didn’t read the rest in the site because it sounded technical and I’m lazy. So I took the test and this is what I got:

Oh come on! I’m only 28% evil? Come on!

Fine. So I’m good. I should be happy. Perhaps the chicken mafiosos should try.

Look at the intricacies of the ‘calculations’:


joyfulchicken said...

Yay! Now I won't have to write a real blog entry :-D

runawaycat said...

Let's just hope you're not short 1% evil compared to me :)

rheytarded said...

im 45% evil... but you're worse than me... hahhhaa

runawaycat said...

Ahhh!! How did you get to be 45% evil!? I think you're by far the most evil of them all...

Cometh said...

Welcome to the Good Halo Heavenly *insert all things associated with good here* website club...
