I have two mobile numbers, one which I got for free and hardly use. I’m only maintaining it because I want to keep the number. I mean, what are the chances that you can get a free number and it happens to be a nice one?
I would reload 10 bucks every 3 months to keep them from canceling the number. Ok this is how the system works for those who are not familiar: You reload (say, 10 bucks which is valid for 7 days) and after that period your account is frozen for 3 months until you reload again. During this time you can receive calls but cannot make any yourself. This cycle has to be repeated every 3 months (or less) if you want to keep your line.
Ok, ok enough with the ‘technical’ stuff. Here comes the gist. The other morning I was rudely awakened by a series of SMSes which if received by some would definitely make their day. It reads something like ‘Get free 12 bucks airtime when you reload at least 10 bucks by…’ and another one reads ‘Stay with us and receive 6 bucks airtime on bla and bla Oct.’ OH! Now I get it! Seriously, I only just understood what it meant while typing this. Now it doesn’t sound as attractive anymore. I was going to make a big deal out of it but…Sigh. The end of the post. I have no more to say.
Wait…wait…Telco ABC still loves me. They sometimes give me 5 bucks airtime during my 3 month dormant period. And sometimes 3 bucks. And sometimes they reactivate my line. See, I do have something to say. Yay! My friends didn’t get any of these. Yea they didn’t. Yea. Adopt my reload habit. Yea. Yea…Ok bye! *runs off*
This proves you can gain enlightenment by blogging xD
Kids! Go blog!
Kids? I feel old...
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