Friday, April 27, 2007

Tears and a broken nail

The other day I walked passed the living room where my mom was watching TV. There were screams and shouts coming from the black box which made whatever she was watching seem really interesting. A few days later I sat down and watched it with her. It turned out to be a Taiwanese programme called Fire Challenge which airs every weeknight on ETTV Asia (I don’t know if I got the channel right). What they do is they get three judges to sit and watch catfight. Yup, you heard that right. People actually go to them to settle whatever relationship problems they have and it usually gets really ugly. They don’t go to counselors where things are settled in a less barbaric way. Maybe it’s because they get to do it for free. They might even be paid to do it. Who knows.

Anyway, the first time I watched it, there was this woman who found out about her husband’s little secret – that he has another wife in another country. Oo that was ugly. Slapping and scratching… Drama, I like! I thought it couldn’t get any worse, but the next day – I don’t remember who went on the next day – there were more slapping and punching and screaming and shouting. After a few episodes I’m beginning to feel that all this is a set up. Like WWF. Well, it’s WWE now but it was still WWF back in those days when I was a big fan. Yup, that’s another thing you heard right. I was a wrestling fan. When I was 15 I would stay up every Monday and Thursday nights – if I don’t remember wrongly – to watch WWF. Ahh…those days…

Back to Fire Challenge. Yesterday’s was really sad. I felt for the girl. For once I thought that maybe it’s not a set up. Some parts still gave me the doubts because it seemed that the host knew what was coming. But maybe because he had to know. He’s the host after all. Gotta have some control. Talking about control, once they had the place fenced up. Whatever for!? It’s not like they’ll go amok and start bashing everyone they see. Today they have lesbians. I haven’t watched it yet. Lesbian fight. Should be fun.


Raein said...

I think they have one like that on Jack TV :| Mindless, I tell you!! Mindless!!!!!

-Les Kitty

runawaycat said...

Oh...Jack TV...sounds like a nice channel. Mindless or not, you don't get to see catfight everyday, so it's still entertaining for a shallow person like me.

joyfulchicken said...

Raein was probably talking about the Jerry Springer Show, the granddaddy of all mindless brawl shows. Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

runawaycat said...

I've heard of that show but I've never watched it. I wanna watch it! I want Jack TV!