Saturday, April 28, 2007

Lazy pillow

I saw this in Tokyo Mango.

Look at her head. Ouch. Doesn't look very comfortable to me. I'd rather sit up straight and watch. And did they intentionally make that spelling mistake?

This little invention here will definitely take my slothish* (wow new word!) lifestyle a step further. It may not look comfortable, but it's an effort. Now they should go make one that looks more comfortable.

*I briefly googled (hah! a new way of saying it!) to see if slothish has already been discovered. Looks like I'm the first. I'm getting it patented.


joyfulchicken said...

Watching TV with your head tilted sideways is a very bad idea. I tried that once when I was a kid. When I stood up after one hour, I immediately got dizzy and fell down again.

runawaycat said...

Did you eyeballs drop sideways? I can feel as though my brain and eyeballs drop sideways.

joyfulchicken said...

I felt the whole world drop sideways. I guess it's all a matter of perspective.

runawaycat said...

What I meant was you feel gravity pulling your organs to one side. I have loose organs haha! That can make you dizzy too I think.

joyfulchicken said...

Yes. I think my heart is on the right side now.... Just kidding, haha. I have no heart.

juliana said...

I have a neck ache just looking at it