Saturday, March 22, 2008

A tag?

This is one hell of a confusing tag. So uh...huh? Uh...copy away!

~~Begin Copy~~

This is the easy way and the fastest way to :
1. Make your Authority Technorati explode.
2. Increase your Google Page Rank.
3. Get more traffic to your blog.
4. Makes more new friends.

Rules :
1. Start copy from "Begin Copy" until "End Copy" to your blog.
2. Put your own blog name and link.
3. Tag your friends as much as you can.

1. Chickenmafia
2. Karljam
3. Ah ban
4. Arbet
5. Jeff - HainaneseChicken (I don't think you gave me a reason to your name yet)
6. Katherine with a K
7. Brown Cottage
8. TizzyB
9. Benard Cometh
10. Yakuza (ahem)
11. Geez I have no friends
12. If you happen to be not it the list, don't get angry; it's for your own good. I don't want to have sickos visit your blog.

~~End Copy~~

So now I'm supposed to tag people. Sigh. I'll tag no.2 and no. 3.


Anonymous said...

I can see the purpose of this meme, alright. It's probably old tho, cos people no longer care about Technorati these days (except for the whores, I guess) neither Google's PR since they nerfed the system
Anyway, yea I have no idea where HainaneseChicken came from either. LOL. Jeff's much easier to type on the keyboard tho

CY said...

Sigh, me have case of writer's blog and am very very willing to do tag. Cause that would take me out of writer's blog, and I don't do tags very often, mind you. (I just leave it alone until even the tagger forgets about it :P)

Then I come here, all eager to do tag, and see this. Link to 12 bloggers. Meh, so anticlimactic. Beh syok one this tag... Blah :|

P.s. I pass my share of the tag to AH BAN! :P

runawaycat said...

Jeff - I don't care too. Hmm perhaps you should try Hainan chicken rice :)

CY - You mean 'block'? I know, I was happy to see that I was tagged since this place is rotting but this tag...Right. But I'm a nice person, so I do it. You're not nice.

joyfulchicken said...

I think you did it wrong, but... thanks for the link :-P

runawaycat said...

How should I do it then?

joyfulchicken said...

I think you're supposed to post all the links given by the person who tagged you. The idea is to give the people at the top of the list more and more exposure as the meme gets passed on.

But no worries, I like it much better this way. Let's just consider it a meme mutation. Richard Dawkins would be proud :-P

runawaycat said...

Hmm That makes no sense. That would mean that it only those people in the list in the first place gets exposure. Hmm who are they that I have to be obliged to do that?

Yay to Richard Dawkins! I'm too lazy to read the wiki article on him. He introduced the term meme? And...?

joyfulchicken said...

It makes sense because you're supposed to add yourself to the list and pass it on :-P

runawaycat said...

Oh yea! Now I remember reading that in the instructions. Stupid me.

joyfulchicken said...

But I like what you did. This way, I get a free link without having to do anything :-P Yay!

CY said...

And me too :P

runawaycat said...

I'm starting to feel stupid though. Go on, celebrate in the expense of my stupidity.

CY said...

Yay! Free drinks all around! :D

runawaycat said...

Yay! All on CY!

CY said...

But at your expense :D