Know who is Lim Goh Tong? No? Ok how bout the founder of Genting, one of the richest guy in Asia? Still no? I guess I have to call in
Anyway the point of this entry is there are people out there who actually has so much time on their hands, they would create nonsensical emails to be forwarded to everyone.
This is one I got which says that this is the grave of Malaysia's late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong.
Oh really?? How come none of the people there look like Malaysians? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it obvious this is NOT his grave? (But there's always the possibility he made one exactly the same, but I doubt that). If you google, it is actually a site full of arabic words which I understand none of.
Hmm that would really explain why EVERYONE in the picture looks like the middle easterns!Idiot with too much time on their hands.
i think the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong's grave is much nicer than that....since he's one of the richest man in Asia..
Yeah, Ban. I bet he got one in-built casino in there too! ;)
I can't help it--I want to say this, "And your point is?" Hehehehe :P :P
Nice grave. :P
CY - Wah he'll need a lot of those after life dollar notes :P
KM - Uwah~! We're like people from different worlds! :P
What I meant was, how can one try to cheat people into believing that that's the grave of Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong?
Easy. Many people would believe anything they get in their mailbox :-P
Well, there might be possibilities that we are stupid.... =p
JC - Or their phones. Someone just tried to con me today with a small amount of cash through a phone call.
ming zearl - Cool name :) I guess, otherwise there won't be stories like this. Or maybe you...
Hehehehe~~ but it still makes an interesting conversation piece for a blog like this, don't you think? :P
Ooopssss...mistake.... Now you know my full name... almost... darn...
I used my official email and forget to log off from it...
And when I make a comment, did not realize that it uses my offical email identity to comment. =p
Ming Zearl the name.... =p
Whoa cool~ Like some Earl...haha
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